Zawód z przyszłością?

Trąci to niemalże „łańcuszkiem”, bowiem podrzucam Wam artykuł, zlinkowany na facebookowej grupie Tłumacze z polskiego, polecony wcześniej przez… etc., niemniej jednak  – polecam i ja, bo warto poczytać tak optymistyczne wieści: Tłumacz – zawód z przyszłością.
„The outlook: Excellent, although prospects vary by language and topical specialty. Employment of interpreters and translators is projected to increase 22 percent between 2008 and 2018, much faster than the average for all occupations, according to the Labor Department. Demand is driven by an increasingly global economy, as well as an increasingly large population of non-English speakers in the United States.

Interpreters and translators should master three skills: communicating in a foreign language, writing in their native language, and developing expertise in a field like law, engineering or physics—whatever topic you want to translate. You’ll likely need a degree in that field to understand it well enough to talk or write about it, which means you should expect to have a dual major in college or at least a major and minor: one in the foreign language, the other in your specialty.”


Wychodzi na to, że „always look at the bright side of life” nie zawsze oznacza wymuszony optymizm :)