8 nadbrzeżnych atrakcji Budapesztu

Huffington Post opisuje nadbrzeżne atrakcje stolicy Węgier, które można obejrzeć z pokładu statku rejsowego, pływającego po Dunaju. Pod linkiem 8 Shoreside Attractions In Budapest znajdziecie galerię tych miejsc wraz z opisami:

Upon arrival in Budapest, visitors soon realize that the banks of the Danube are where the city’s rich history and architecture come together. The area, dating back to the Roman Empire, is protected under the UNESCO World Heritage Sites program. One of the best ways to see Budapest, often called the “Pearl of the Danube,” is from a cruise boat on the famous river. From that superb vantage point, tourists can take in many of the top attractions, which are located on the river’s shores. The Danube intersects Budapest into its two-part namesake: Buda on the west and Pest on the east.


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