Wpis z bloga POLANDIAN przewinął się chyba przez wszystkie fora dotyczące tłumaczeń, ale wart jest tego, by przytoczyć go raz jeszcze: English subtitle failure to spojrzenie obcokrajowca na stan tłumaczeń polskich filmów na język angielski:
„This weekend I watched Dom Zły (The Bad House, also translated as The Dark House), a fabulous Polish film made laughable by its appalling English subtitles. Unless there is some hilariously ironic subtext revolving around a literal translation of the Bad House being full of bad translations, whoever commissioned this catalogue of errors should be taken outside and beaten to death with a copy of the Oxford English Dictionary.”
Jak to zwykle bywa, komentarze czytelników wiele wnoszą do tej dyskusji. ThomasM pisze:
„I was recently contracted to do the subtitles for a Polish film (albeit into German). The trouble was that the film company flatly refused to issue a copy, or even just the soundtrack of the film, to the translators, for fear they would leak them to filesharing networks. Without any audio-visual context, in many places it was almost impossible to figure out what the characters were on about. It wasn’t until the very last minute that I finally got the film and could translate the subtitles. In the end, it was a total rush job—although there would have been plenty of time, but for the company it was more important to stop their work from being pirated than to have it properly translated. I’ve never heard of the film being on anywhere outside Poland, btw.”
[oba cytaty za: http://polandian.home.pl/index.php/2010/06/21/english-subtitle-failure/]
O samy zaś blogu jego autorzy piszą tak:
„Polandian to kolektywny blog współtworzony przez różnych ludzi mieszkających i pracujących w Polsce. Kochamy ten kraj i narzekamy tylko wtedy, gdy jest to absolutnie uzasadnione i konieczne – albo, gdy coś nas zwyczajnie śmieszy.”
Myślę, że warto zajrzeć i zobaczyć, co gotuje krew w żyłach obcokrajowcom :)