W Bibliotece tłumacza, oprócz książek i czasopism, warto wspomnieć o artykułach na temat przekładu literackiego, jakie można znaleźć na translationdirectory.com – oto ich pełna lista (EN/FR/DE):
- The Transposition of Form
- The Art of Poetry and its Translation
- The Problems in Translating ‘Literary Prose’
- The Art of Poetry and its Translation
- A Snapshot of Literary Translation and its Practitioners
- La Traduction d’une oeuvre littéraire : Le cas de Chroniques de Mvoutessi 2 : Na Mongô ou Le Voyage à Ebolowa de Guillaume Oyônô-Mbia
- A Corpus-based Study of Units of Translation in English-Persian Literary Translations
- Literary Translation Quality Assessment – Review
- Corpus-based Study of Differences in Explicitation Between Literature Translations for Children and for Adults
- Pinning Down Creativity in Translation: The Case of Literary Texts
- Performatives in Ying Ruocheng’s Translation of Teahouse
- Tyndale’s editors: The KJV and the mysterious sound patterns of translation
- English Translations of the Bible
- Chinese Translation of Literary Black Dialect and Translation Strategy Reconsidered: The Case of Alice Walker’s The Color Purple
- Review of „The Book of Psalms: A Translation with Commentary” by Robert Alter
- The Complete Fables of Jean de La Fontaine
- Translation of Proper Names in Children’s Literature
- Transformation of Literary Imagery in Translation
- Caveat Translator – Let the Translator Beware
- Poetry Translation
- A New Approach to Translation: The transposition or transcription system of Sub-Saharan African writers
- The Philosophy and Economics of Translation: Myth and Reality
- Translating Turgenev’s Prose: Unveiling The Invisible
- Translation of Charactonyms from English into Russian
- Réflexions sur la littérature africaine et sa traduction
- De la retraduction de Les Damnés de la terre de Frantz Fanon
- Manual de documentación para la traducción literaria
- Traduire Les Chansons Traditionnelles: Defis Et Ideologies
- Camões’s Sonnets in English – A Review
- Proper Names in Translation of Fiction (on the Material of Translation into English of The History of a Town by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)
- Censorship and self-censorship. Political constraints and cultural roots
- Documentation as Ethics in Postcolonial Translation
- Fate: The Inevitable Betrayal in Translating
- Steps in Translating Poetry
- Problems in Translating Poetry
- Methods in Translating Poetry
- Translation & Rainfall
- Übersetzen als Neuschreiben: die Macht des Übersetzers
- Sense Transferring Through Poetry Translation
- Ideological Manipulation in Translation in a Chinese Context: Su Manshu’s Translation of Les Misérables
- Literary Translation: Recent Theoretical Developments
- Translation of Poetry:
- Sa`di’s Oneness of Mankind Revisited
- Poetry Translation
- Language and Choice for Learning/Translating English
Biblioteka tłumacza to cykl wpisów poświęconych opracowaniom i podręcznikom, traktującym o teorii i praktyce przekładu, głównie pod względem tłumaczeń literackich. Wszystkie wpisy znajdziecie pod szerszym tematycznie tagiem warsztat.