Godny polecenia artykuł na temat kilku mitów, związanych z samym zawodem i poziomem usług, świadczonych przez tłumaczy. Poczytajcie, co z poniższych stwierdzeń jest mitem, a co faktem:
1. Translators are just people who can speak two or more languages.
2. Translators can translate any subject matter as long as the material is in a language they know.
3. Translating from one language to another (i.e. Spanish to English) is the same as translating in the reverse direction (i.e. English to Spanish).
4. Translators can produce any translation with little or no turn-around time.
5. A native speaker is always a better translator than a non-native one.
6. Translators like it when the client changes their translation after it has been delivered.
7. Only translators who are members of a professional translation organization can translate well.
8. Translators can also interpret.
9. Translators like to do free translation work.
10. A good translator will take whatever payment the client is willing to give.
Rozwinięcie poszczególnych podpunktów znajdziecie tutaj. Poczytajcie, bo warto!