Pasjonatom kinematografii, gdy ciężko im się wyznać w węgierskim kinie z powodu bariery językowej, polecam anglojęzyczny portal FilmHUssar, o którym twórcy piszą tak:
Online representative of the Hungarian film culture. Entertaining yet professional with news, curiosities and hopefully big events. It aims to help the Hungarian film art and spread the word worldwide.
Strona jeszcze nie ruszyła, ale profil na Facebooku dostarcza garści ciekawostek filmowych:
- Did you know that one of the biggest film studios of the world, Paramount Pictures was founded by the Hungarian born Adolph Zukor? The studio is celebrating its 100th anniversary.
- The very first cinematographic screening in Hungary was held just 4 months after the Lumière brothers showed their first films in Paris. The premiere was held at the elegant Grand Hotel Royal on 10th May 1896.
- Tarzan, the one and only, Johnny Weissmuller, Hungarian-born American swimmer and actor. Before becoming famous for his role as TARZAN, earned five Olympic gold medals in swimming – and set 51 world records.