Rabaciku nie będzie?

Jak wiadomo, klient potrafi poprosić o rabat od najniższej wyobrażalnej i akceptowalnej stawki. Czym argumentuje to w przypadku zamawiania tłumaczenia?

You must give us a discount…

  1. …because we are a new client.
  2. …because we are an old client.
  3. …because this job is for a new client.
  4. …because this job is for an old client.
  5. …because last time you gave us a discount.
  6. …because last time you didn’t give us a discount.
  7. …because you always give us a discount.
  8. …because you never give us a discount.
  9. …because the other guy who translated for us always gave us a discount.
  10. …because everybody else gives us a discount.
  11. …because if you want to work for us you must give us a discount.
  12. …because if you don’t give us a discount we will have to look for another translator.
  13. …because you will make up for the discount in future jobs.
  14. …because it is a big job, months of guaranteed work.
  15. …because it is a small job and you will make a quick buck.

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And don’t you try it on your own! :)