Portal matadornetwork publikuje kilkanaście zwrotów z ich anglojęzycznymi odpowiednikami. Choć to wersja chwilami uproszczona, może jednak niekiedy przydać się w podręcznym słowniczku :)
- Hungarians don’t say “She’s jumping for joy.”
They say “Örül, mint majom a farkának.” (She’s as happy as a monkey about his tail.)
- Hungarians don’t say “Bullshit!”
They say “Lófasz!” (Horse dick!)
- Hungarians don’t ask little children “Why are you crying?”
They ask “Miért itatod az egereket?” (Why are you giving drinks to the mice?)
- Hungarians don’t call you “useless.”
They say “Kevés vagy, mint mackósajtban a brummogás.” (You’re as little as the roaring in a Mackó cheese — this is a type of Hungarian cheese that has a small bear on its label.)
- Hungarians don’t say “It’s not worth the effort.”
They say “Annyit ér, mint halottnak a csók.” (It’s worth as much as a kiss to a dead person.)
- Hungarians don’t say “Far, far away.”
They say “Az Isten háta mögött.” (Behind God’s back.)
- Hungarian guys don’t say to one another “That chick is a 10.”
They say “Az egy bombanő.” (That’s a bomb woman.)
- A Hungarian won’t say “Once a thief, always a thief.”
He’ll say “Kutyaból nem lesz szalonna.” (You can’t make bacon out of a dog.)
- Hungarians won’t say he’s “good-hearted.”
They’ll say “Kenyérre lehet kenni.” (You can spread him on bread.)
- Hungarians don’t call you “gay.”
They call you “meleg” (warm).
- In Hungarian you don’t say “Cool!”
You say “Tök jó!” (perfectly good!), “Zsir!” (Fat!), or “Király!” (King!)
- Hungarians don’t yell “Hey, you’re blocking my view!”
They yell “Apád nem volt üveges!” (Your dad wasn’t a glassmaker! As in, you’re not transparent, so get out of the way.)
- Hungarians don’t say “When pigs fly!”
They say “Majd ha piros hó esik!” (When red snow falls!)
- Hungarians don’t ask “What the fuck are you doing?”
They ask “Mi a faszomat csinálsz?” (What my dick are you doing?)
- Hungarians don’t say “It’s not as good as you think.”
They say “Nem kolbászból van a kerítés.” (The fence is not made from sausage.)
- A Hungarian doesn’t say “You son of a bitch!”
He says “Te geci!” (You jizz!)
- Hungarians don’t say “It’s all Greek to me.”
They say “Ez nekem kínai.” (It’s Chinese for me.)