Węgry według CIA

W The World Factbook, regularnie aktualizowanym zbiorze ogólnodostępnych danych o wszystkich krajach świata, zebranych przez CIA, znajdziemy także informacje o Węgrzech.  Główne kategorie, podzielone na kilkadziesiąt podkategorii, obejmują tematy takie jak:

  • Introduction
  • Geography
  • People and Society
  • Government
  • Economy
  • Energy
  • Communications
  • Transportation
  • Military
  • Transnational Issues

W każdej z podkategorii znajdziecie szczegółówe dane liczbowe i/lub opisowe przestawienie określonych zagadnień. Część kategorii uzupełniona jest o pozycję Węgier w stosunku do reszty krajów:



2.933 million (2011)

country comparison to the world: 52

11.69 million (2011)

country comparison to the world: 67

general assessment: the telephone system has been modernized; the system is digital and highly automated; trunk services are carried by fiber-optic cable and digital microwave radio relay; a program for fiber-optic subscriber connections was initiated in 1996
domestic: competition among mobile-cellular service providers has led to a sharp increase in the use of mobile-cellular phones since 2000 and a decrease in the number of fixed-line connections
international: country code – 36; Hungary has fiber-optic cable connections with all neighboring countries; the international switch is in Budapest; satellite earth stations – 2 Intelsat (Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean regions), 1 Inmarsat, 1 very small aperture terminal (VSAT) system of ground terminals (2011)
mixed system of state-supported public service broadcast media and private broadcasters; the 3 publicly owned TV channels and the 2 main privately owned TV stations are the major national broadcasters; a large number of special interest channels; highly developed market for satellite and cable TV services with about two-thirds of viewers utilizing their services; 3 state-supported public-service radio networks and 2 major national commercial stations; a large number of local stations including commercial, public service, nonprofit, and community radio stations; digital transition postponed to the end of 2014 (2007)
3.145 million (2012)

country comparison to the world: 33

6.176 million (2009)

country comparison to the world: 41
